Friday, December 28, 2012


Welcome, to the port city of Halheim. It is the next stop for my players in the campaign I am running. It will prove a very interesting city to interact with, I think. It has a Trades Guild and a Thieves Guild which are constantly at war with one another, it has many warehouses which the PC's are going to have to explore, and it wouldn't be a proper city without an extensive sewer system full of nasty beasties. But the big quest hook here lies just outside the city. On a lonely hill, surrounded by dark and dreary forest lies a ruined fort. The fort has since been occupied by hooded figures in black robes, who are never seen in the light of day. The forest which surrounds this fort is becoming sickly, and evil beings have been found wandering within its boarders. Goblins, who until recently were too afraid to come near the city, have launched several raids on travelers entering the city and caravans exiting it.

We'll have to see how the players deal with all that is going on in the city. I, for one, am very excited.

For those of you interested in using a city like this in one of your campaigns, here it is with labels. I have assigned a duty to nearly every building in the town in order to make it seem more life-like.

It may be a bit hard to read, and the quality is not as good (the page got wrinkled and a bit smudged), so if you have any questions please ask. Also if you think there is something I should add, or you want more details about the city, the Guilds, or any of the adventures I am going to run then feel free to comment.


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