Monday, December 31, 2012

Kilic Cubbins

One day, Kilic, was sitting at home. His feet were being warmed by the small fire he had just finished making, and he was choosing between two lovely novels. When suddenly, quite out of the blue, there arrived at his doorstep, a package. The postman was very late at his rounds and as such misread the name on the parcel, but was off down the street and around the corner long before Kilic had opened the door. Kilic took the parcel in, and though it was not his mail, opened it. It was, after all, a very slow and boring day for the young halfling and at the time there were no laws to forbid someone from opening another's mail. To his delight, Kilic found that the parcel contained a rather large book. The cover was old and wrinkling, its dye was fading, and the gold leaf which formed the lettering was chipped in many places. The lettering was not the ordinary lettering of the common folk, in fact, the lettering was not one used by any folk as Kilic knew. The letters were runes, and in the hands of the right person, powerful runes. That right person was, of course, a wizard. For this was a magic book, and as Kilic lifted it to examine the runes more closely they began to change. The transformation was almost unnoticeable, and by the end Kilic was having a hard time debating if the letters had actually changed, or if they had really just been that way all along. Kilic thumbed through a few pages, admiring the intricate, blue letters. He then brought the book over to his lounge chair, and sat down for a good, long read.

A Halfling Wizard. When I told my DM about him he said he had never heard of it, but was excited to see how it went. Kilic is a Wizard, but he dabbles in alchemy. In the picture he is holding a fire pot. 

I have definitely become hooked on the paint program. It is so easy to use, and the pictures come out looking very clean. Not to mention I like adding color to things. Still, I want to get better at using it so I can work on different styles. Below is the drawing before I colored it.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Malrakki, Color

A promise is a promise, so here he is. Instead of using colored pencils like I normally would I figured out a cool program I could use on the computer to color the picture instead. A little easier, and it saves me from running all over the house searching for the coloring box. I like the way the paint program works, but I am not sure about how it looks. I guess I just like a more traditional look when it comes to color. Besides, I am not yet good enough to do shading or blend colors. I will be fooling around with the program quite a bit, so well see how things go.


Saturday, December 29, 2012


He is a very young wood elf who has run away from home. He is mischievous and quite bright, but easily angered and can have a ruthless blood-lust. In this way, he is a very odd elf. Perhaps because he is still young, or it could be the introduction of gnome into his bloodline, sometime in the distant past. Whatever the case, he has decided his time with his kinfolk is over, he has waited long enough, and is ready to explore the world. He will be a fun character to play.

Malrakki is going to replace Dhorn. Unfortunately my DM and I couldn't agree to a character we both liked, so I went with something a little simpler. I like this picture. I spent a good deal of time focusing on the separate aspects of it: the position in which he is kneeling, his clothes and his face. I decided to add the greenery in the background at the last minute in order to complete the scene. I think I will color the picture, if I can. Should I finish it, then I will definitely post the completed work here.


Friday, December 28, 2012


Welcome, to the port city of Halheim. It is the next stop for my players in the campaign I am running. It will prove a very interesting city to interact with, I think. It has a Trades Guild and a Thieves Guild which are constantly at war with one another, it has many warehouses which the PC's are going to have to explore, and it wouldn't be a proper city without an extensive sewer system full of nasty beasties. But the big quest hook here lies just outside the city. On a lonely hill, surrounded by dark and dreary forest lies a ruined fort. The fort has since been occupied by hooded figures in black robes, who are never seen in the light of day. The forest which surrounds this fort is becoming sickly, and evil beings have been found wandering within its boarders. Goblins, who until recently were too afraid to come near the city, have launched several raids on travelers entering the city and caravans exiting it.

We'll have to see how the players deal with all that is going on in the city. I, for one, am very excited.

For those of you interested in using a city like this in one of your campaigns, here it is with labels. I have assigned a duty to nearly every building in the town in order to make it seem more life-like.

It may be a bit hard to read, and the quality is not as good (the page got wrinkled and a bit smudged), so if you have any questions please ask. Also if you think there is something I should add, or you want more details about the city, the Guilds, or any of the adventures I am going to run then feel free to comment.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day, and get to spend time with your loved ones. Here is a quick sketch that I did while our power was out, I hope you enjoy.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dhorn, the Bearman

This is one of my D&D characters in the works, Dhorn. He is a werebear, so if he is sufficiently wounded in battle he can transform into a black bear. However, since he is a longbow-man rather than a melee fighter he usually wont get into a situation where he needs to use his power.
Dhorn has grown up living in the forests, and has rarely left. While he is a loner, and not very sociable when he meets new people, he is generally a good person. He is willing to befriend almost anyone, and once you are his friend he is a fiercely loyal companion who will go to great lengths to help or protect you. He is introduced to the campaign because a friend of his asked him to join the party.

He should be a fun character to roleplay, not to mention game play with him will be very interesting when he transforms. As for the actual rules for his transformation I am still working them out with the DM. He is probably going to be a shifter, although we'll see if I can modify the rules just slightly so he can actually transform into a black bear.

This is a piece that gave me some trouble, I feel like it came out well in the end though. This is the first time I have done so much texture with a pen so if you have any suggestions or tips please leave a comment.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dungeons & Drawings

I have been looking for a place to post drawings and tell stories for a while now.

I have a Deviant Art where I post some of my drawings, but it was supposed to be home to my comic series. Unfortunately I started that series at a bad time and was unable to continue it, so I feel a little guilty whenever I log in. Not to mention I think I will be nice to have all my art in one space.

As the name suggests, a lot of the art will be Dungeons and Dragons oriented. I will post pictures of my characters, maps and possibly stories of my adventures. I'll probably post drawings of things that don't concern D&D as well, and maybe some of my writings. However, rather than define what this blog will be about exactly I want to leave it open as an outlet for anything, so enjoy the randomness. I guess we'll see how things go.