Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Coming of Man

Sailing light on fair ships,
singing trumpets calling,
men enter now and make
masters of the whale road.
Craftsmen apply their craft
create for men a tower
higher than the hilltops,
hidden not by mountains.
Then was spotted by trolls
that tower in the sky.
Sang well the cunning skald
song frightening the fiends,
"Mighty are those making
masters of the stone wall.
Doom will our descendants
dread from the mighty foe.
Foreigners and fighters,
fear comes to our doorstep!
Hang the new come humans,
hunt them to the seashore."
So did the loathsome swine
sally forth to bring death
hidden amidst the hills
holding out for nightfall.
High walls of stone well hewn
halted the enemy.
Scaling walls and spearmen,
scalding oil pouring,
difficult the dreaded
door holding out for siege.
But fair ships beautifully
beholden in dock sit.
Cunning plans are crafted.
Conniving minds cause death.
Dreaded comes the downfall
destroying those fair ships.
Straight from battle strode
swordsmen to do battle.
Those who drew their swords there
their enemies did slay.
Fire from death fanned flames
fuels burning rage'n hatred.
Woe to trolls so weary,
war pronounced for ages.

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