Monday, September 2, 2013

Goblin Village

As I mentioned in my last post, "Holy Explorer," Daegon headed the development of a small goblin village. This is that village. I was given some details on the geography by my DM. He said the town is situated among some hills near a river, and that there were some old ruins nearby. Since ruins are the building blocks for future civilizations, I decided the goblins could use the stone from the ruined structures to construct some of their own buildings. (Yes, I okay-ed everything with the DM.) So the east wall, closest to the ruins, is made of stone. The temple of Pelor and community hall is also build with some stone, although since it is difficult to stack stone higher than yourself the upper sections of the building's walls are made of wood. The remainder of the buildings are made of wood, and all buildings have thatched roofs.

Perception was not a big issue while drawing this obviously. Also, since it is supposed to be a goblin map I feel justified in picturing it a little wonky. This is also before my "Study in Green," which is why the goblin in the compass does not look like the goblins I now draw. I had pretty big plans for this village before it joined with the human village. I really didn't see that coming and it has thrown an impressive wrench in my plans for goblin domination.

Those of you wondering if I mistyped temple of Pelor, or if I had gone crazy, I assure you I meant what I wrote. After all, Daegon is a missionary cleric, so what goblins he convinces to join he also converts.


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