Saturday, August 31, 2013

Holy Explorer

Another older piece of artwork. I drew this for my first Dungeons and Dragons character, Daegon. As the name suggests he is a Cleric. Daegon quickly became famous in our group as a skilled negotiator and was instrumental in bringing about an alliance between a large group of goblins and a nearby town of humans. He then went on to develop a town for the goblins and when the human town was destroyed the refugees fled to the goblin village. Now the goblins and humans coexist peacefully together in a large town. (Come on, if goblins and humans can do it, can't we all?)

This was fun to draw, I haven't drawn retreating shadows like this before so I liked the result. I also liked the shading. I don't do too much shading usually, but for this it really needed it.

I hope you all like it am much as I do.


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