Monday, May 25, 2015

As I Beneath the Tree Limbs Lie

As I beneath the tree limbs lie
and look into the vaulted sky,
I am remind'd of heathen kings
who pass out glitt'ring golden rings,
which, forged by craft that they adore
to emulate their golden shores,
were fairer than all other things
which tales of old so often sing.
It is because of love of land
that they could craft by cunning hand
such wondrous works that men admire,
where flowers spring from fonts of fire,
but greater still their halls of praise
which they with piety did raise
amidst the glade with blooming tree,
for so to gods of wood they be.
And I can see the great appeal
to praise the woods and sky. To feel
the mighty force of nature there
and place myself within its care.
And yet I know of greater things
than ever dreamt those heather kings,
and when I see that woods and sky
I give not in to that old lie
The woods and sky are little worth,
compared to Him, of virgin birth.
So when I see the trees, the sky,
or beasts of land or birds that fly,
the trees become great pillars, tall
so that the sky will never fall.
Cathedral of His mighty hand
that covers far an distant lands.
For I'm remind'd the king of kings,
which all creation rightly sings,
as I beneath the tree limbs lie
and look into the vaulted sky.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Figure Study: Balrog

I was doing some figure studies and I had balrogs on my mind, so these happened.

I wanted to depict balrogs as far more human than is normally done. I do enjoy the demonic, bestial balrogs which are more common (John Howe's balrogs, for instance, are incredible and rather set the standard), but I thought this concept might be a fun one to explore. I believe that Tolkien does refer to Durin's Bane as man-shaped.
